Create an Experiment ==================== Create new experiment ------------------------- To create a new experiment, just run the command: :: autosubmit expid -H HPCname -d Description *HPCname* is the name of the main HPC platform for the experiment: it will be the default platform for the tasks. *Description* is a brief experiment description. Options: :: usage: autosubmit expid [-h] [-y COPY | -dm | -min [ -repo GIT_PATH -b BRANCH -config AS_CONF ] ] [-p PATH] -H HPC -d DESCRIPTION -h, --help show this help message and exit -y COPY, --copy COPY makes a copy of the specified experiment -op, -operational creates a new experiment, starting with "o" -dm, --dummy creates a new experiment with default values, usually for testing -min, --minimal_config creates a new experiment with minimal configuration files, usually for using a custom configuration -repo GIT_PATH, --git_repo GIT_PATH sets the git_repository -b BRANCH, --git_branch BRANCH sets the branch to use for the git repository -config, --git_as_conf sets the configuration folder to use for the experiment, relative to repo root -local, --use_local_minimal obtains the minimal configuration for local files -H HPC, --HPC HPC specifies the HPC to use for the experiment, default is localhost -d DESCRIPTION, --description DESCRIPTION sets a description for the experiment to store in the database. Example: :: autosubmit expid --HPC marenostrum4 --description "experiment is about..." autosubmit expid -min -repo -b main -conf as_conf -d "minimal config example" autosubmit expid -dm -d "dummy test" If there is an autosubmitrc or .autosubmitrc file in your home directory (cd ~), you can setup a default file from where the contents of platforms_expid.yml should be copied. In this autosubmitrc or .autosubmitrc file, include the configuration setting custom_platforms: Example: :: conf: custom_platforms: /home/Earth/user/custom.yml Where the specified path should be complete, as something you would get when executing pwd, and also include the filename of your custom platforms content. Copy another experiment -------------------------- This option makes a copy of an existing experiment. It registers a new unique identifier and copies all configuration files in the new experiment folder: :: autosubmit expid -y COPY -H HPCname -d Description autosubmit expid -y COPY -c PATH -H HPCname -d Description *HPCname* is the name of the main HPC platform for the experiment: it will be the default platform for the tasks. *COPY* is the experiment identifier to copy from. *Description* is a brief experiment description. *CONFIG* is a folder that exists. Example: :: autosubmit expid -y cxxx -H ithaca -d "experiment is about..." autosubmit expid -y cxxx -p "/esarchive/autosubmit/genericFiles/conf" -H marenostrum4 -d "experiment is about..." .. warning:: You can only copy experiments created with Autosubmit 3.11 or above. If there is an autosubmitrc or .autosubmitrc file in your home directory (cd ~), you can setup a default file from where the contents of platforms_expid.yml should be copied. In this autosubmitrc or .autosubmitrc file, include the configuration setting custom_platforms: Example: :: conf: custom_platforms: /home/Earth/user/custom.yml Where the specified path should be complete, as something you would get when executing pwd, and also include the filename of your custom platforms content. Create a dummy experiment -------------------------------- It is useful to test if Autosubmit is properly configured with a inexpensive experiment. A Dummy experiment will check, test, and submit to the HPC platform, as any other experiment would. The job submitted are only sleeps. This command creates a new experiment with default values, useful for testing: :: autosubmit expid -H HPCname -dm -d Description *HPCname* is the name of the main HPC platform for the experiment: it will be the default platform for the tasks. *Description* is a brief experiment description. Example: :: autosubmit expid -H ithaca -dm "experiment is about..." Create a test case experiment ------------------------------------ Test case experiments are special experiments which have a reserved first letter "t" at the expid. They are meant to help differentiate testing suits of the automodels from normal runs. This method is to create a test case experiment. It creates a new experiment for a test case with a given number of chunks, start date, member and HPC. To create a test case experiment, use the command: :: autosubmit testcase Options: :: usage: autosubmit testcase [-h] [-y COPY] -d DESCRIPTION [-c CHUNKS] [-m MEMBER] [-s STARDATE] [-H HPC] [-b BRANCH] expid experiment identifier -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CHUNKS, --chunks CHUNKS chunks to run -m MEMBER, --member MEMBER member to run -s STARDATE, --stardate STARDATE stardate to run -H HPC, --HPC HPC HPC to run experiment on it -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH branch from git to run (or revision from subversion) Example: :: autosubmit testcase -d "TEST CASE cca-intel auto-ecearth3 layer 0: T511L91-ORCA025L75-LIM3 (cold restart) (a092-a09n)" -H cca-intel -b 3.2.0b_develop -y a09n Test the experiment ------------------- This method is to conduct a test for a given experiment. It creates a new experiment for a given experiment with a given number of chunks with a random start date and a random member to be run on a random HPC. To test the experiment, use the command: :: autosubmit test CHUNKS EXPID *EXPID* is the experiment identifier. *CHUNKS* is the number of chunks to run in the test. Options: :: usage: autosubmit test [-h] -c CHUNKS [-m MEMBER] [-s STARDATE] [-H HPC] [-b BRANCH] expid expid experiment identifier -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CHUNKS, --chunks CHUNKS chunks to run -m MEMBER, --member MEMBER member to run -s STARDATE, --stardate STARDATE stardate to run -H HPC, --HPC HPC HPC to run experiment on it -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH branch from git to run (or revision from subversion) Example: :: autosubmit test -c 1 -s 19801101 -m fc0 -H ithaca -b develop cxxx .. _create_profiling: How to profile Autosubmit while creating an experiment ------------------------------------------------------ Autosubmit offers the possibility to profile the experiment creation process. To enable the profiler, just add the ``--profile`` (or ``-p``) flag to your ``autosubmit create`` command, as in the following example: .. code-block:: bash autosubmit create --profile EXPID .. include:: ../../_include/profiler_common.rst