Monitor and Check Experiments ============================= How to check the experiment configuration ----------------------------------------- To check the configuration of the experiment, use the command: :: autosubmit check EXPID *EXPID* is the experiment identifier. It checks experiment configuration and warns about any detected error or inconsistency. It is used to check if the script is well-formed. If any template has an inconsistency it will replace them for an empty value on the cmd generated. Options: :: usage: autosubmit check [-h -nt] expid expid experiment identifier -nt --notransitive prevents doing the transitive reduction when plotting the workflow -h, --help show this help message and exit Example: :: autosubmit check cxxx How to use check in running time: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In ``jobs_cxxx.yml`` , you can set check(default true) to check the scripts during autosubmit run cxx. There are two parameters related to check: * CHECK: Controls the mechanism that allows replacing an unused variable with an empty string ( %_% substitution). It is TRUE by default. * SHOW_CHECK_WARNINGS: For debugging purposes. It will print a lot of information regarding variables and substitution if it is set to TRUE. .. code-block:: yaml CHECK: TRUE or FALSE or ON_SUBMISSION # Default is TRUE SHOW_CHECK_WARNINGS: TRUE or FALSE # Default is FALSE :: CHECK: TRUE # Static templates (existing on `autosubmit create`). Used to substitute empty variables CHECK: ON_SUBMISSION # Dynamic templates (generated on running time). Used to substitute empty variables. CHECK: FALSE # Used to disable this substitution. :: SHOW_CHECK_WARNINGS: TRUE # Shows a LOT of information. Disabled by default. For example: .. code-block:: yaml LOCAL_SETUP: FILE: filepath_that_exists PLATFORM: LOCAL WALLCLOCK: 05:00 CHECK: TRUE SHOW_CHECK_WARNINGS: TRUE ... SIM: FILE: filepath_that_no_exists_until_setup_is_processed PLATFORM: bsc_es DEPENDENCIES: LOCAL_SETUP SIM-1 RUNNING: chunk WALLCLOCK: 05:00 CHECK: ON_SUBMISSION SHOW_CHECK_WARNINGS: FALSE ... How to generate cmd files ------------------------- To generate the cmd files of the current non-active jobs experiment, it is possible to use the command: :: autosubmit inspect EXPID EXPID is the experiment identifier. Usage ~~~~~ Options: :: usage: autosubmit inspect [-h] [-fl] [-fc] [-fs] [-ft] [-cw] expid expid experiment identifier -h, --help show this help message and exit -fl FILTER_LIST, --list List of job names to be generated -fc FILTER_CHUNK, --filter_chunk List of chunks to be generated -fs FILTER_STATUS, --filter_status List of status to be generated -ft FILTER_TYPE, --filter_type List of types to be generated -cw --checkwrapper Generate the wrapper cmd with the current filtered jobs -f --force Generate all cmd files Example ~~~~~~~ with autosubmit.lock present or not: :: autosubmit inspect expid with autosubmit.lock present or not: :: autosubmit inspect expid -f without autosubmit.lock: :: autosubmit inspect expid -fl [-fc,-fs or ft] To generate cmd for wrappers: :: autosubmit inspect expid -cw -f With autosubmit.lock and no (-f) force, it will only generate all files that are not submitted. Without autosubmit.lock, it will generate all unless filtered by -fl,fc,fs or ft. To generate cmd only for a single job of the section : :: autosubmit inspect expid -q How to monitor an experiment ---------------------------- To monitor the status of the experiment, use the command: :: autosubmit monitor EXPID *EXPID* is the experiment identifier. Options: :: usage: autosubmit monitor [-h] [-o {pdf,png,ps,svg,txt}] [-group_by {date,member,chunk,split} -expand -expand_status] [-fl] [-fc] [-fs] [-ft] [-cw] expid [-txt] [-txtlog] expid Experiment identifier. -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -o {pdf,png,ps,svg}, --output {pdf,png,ps,svg,txt} Type of output for generated plot (or text file). -group_by {date,member,chunk,split,automatic} Criteria to use for grouping jobs. -expand, List of dates/members/chunks to expand. -expand_status, Status(es) to expand. -fl FILTER_LIST, --list List of job names to be filtered. -fc FILTER_CHUNK, --filter_chunk List of chunks to be filtered. -fs FILTER_STATUS, --filter_status Status to be filtered. -ft FILTER_TYPE, --filter_type Type to be filtered. --hide, Hide the plot. -txt, --text Generates a tree view format that includes job name, children number, and status in a file in the /status/ folder. If possible, shows the results in the terminal. -txtlog, --txt_logfiles Generates a list of job names, status, .out path, and .err path as a file in /status/ (AS <3.12 behaviour). -nt --notransitive Prevents doing the transitive reduction when plotting the workflow. -cw --check_wrapper Generate the wrapper in the current workflow. Example: :: autosubmit monitor cxxx The location where the user can find the generated plots with date and timestamp can be found below: :: /cxxx/plot/cxxx__