Autosubmit Workflow Manager#
Autosubmit is an open source Python experiment and workflow manager used to manage complex workflows on Cloud and HPC platforms.
Autosubmit is a lightweight workflow manager designed to meet climate research necessities. Unlike other workflow solutions in the domain, it integrates the capabilities of an experiment manager, workflow orchestrator and monitor in a self-contained application.
It is a Python package available at PyPI. The source code in Git contains a Dockerfile used in cloud environments with Kubernetes, and there are examples of how to install Autosubmit with Conda.

Management of job submission and dependencies without user intervention.
Data Provenance
Experiments with unique PIDs, use of open standards for data provenance in the experiments and workflows.
Fault Tolerance
Automatic retrials and ability to re-run specific parts of the experiment in case of failure.
Resource Management
Individual platform configuration, allowing users to run their experiments without having to modify job scripts.
Widely used to run experiments on different platforms simultaneously, using batch schedulers such as Slurm and PBS. It is deployed and used on various HPC and cloud systems.
Open Source
Autosubmit code is hosted at BSC Earth Sciences' GitLab, licensed under the GPLv3 License, and under active development.
More about Autosubmit ecosystem
An open-source Python web application that aims to monitor, analyze, and control workflows created and managed with the Autosubmit workflow manager
Graphical User Interface that aims to provide users with simplified information from the workflow execution of scientific experiments managed by Autosubmit