Error codes and solutions

Experiment Locked - Critical Error 7000

Code | Details | Solution
7000 Experiment is locked due another instance of Autosubmit using it Halt other experiment instances //Delete <expid>/tmp/autosubmit.lock

Database Issues - Critical Error codes [7001-7005]

Code | Details | Solution
7001 Connection to the db could not be established Check if database exist
7002 Wrong version Check system sqlite version
7003 DB doesn’t exist Check if database exist
7004 Can’t create a new database Check your user permissions
7005 AS database is corrupted or locked Please, open a new issue ASAP. (If you are on BSC environment)

Default Solution

These issues are usually from server side, please, ask first in Autosubmit git if you don’t have a custom installation.

Wrong User Input - Critical Error codes [7010-7030]

Code Details Solution
7010 Experiment has been halted in a manual way
7011 Wrong arguments for an specific command Check the command section for more info
7012 Insufficient permissions for an specific experiment. Check if you have enough permissions, experiment exist or specified expid has a typo
7013 Pending commits You must commit/synchronize pending changes in the experiment proj folder.
7014 Wrong configuration Check your experiment/conf files, also take a look to the ASLOG/command.log detailed output

Default Solution

These issues are usually mistakes from the user input, check the available logs and git resolved issues. Alternative, you can ask for help to Autosubmit team.

Platform issues - Critical Error codes. Local [7040-7050] and remote [7050-7060]

Code | Details | Solution
7040 Invalid experiment pkl/db likely due a local platform failure Should be recovered automatically, if not check if there is a backup file and do it manually
7041 Weird job status Weird Job status, try to recover experiment(check the recovery how-to for more info) if this issue persist please, report it to gitlab
7050 Connection can’t be established. Check your experiment platform configuration
7050 Failure after a restart, connection can’t be restored. Check or ask (manually) if the remote platforms have any known issues
7051 Invalid ssh configuration. Check .ssh/config file. Additionally, Check if you can perform a password less connection to that platform.

Default Solution

Check autosubmit log for detailed information, there will be additional error codes.

Uncatalogued codes - Critical Error codes [7060+]

Code | Details | Solution
7060 Display issues during monitoring Use a different output or txt.
7061 Stat command failed Check Aslogs command output, open a git issue.
7062 Svn issues Check, in expdef, if url exist.
7063 cp/rsync issues Check if destination path exist.
7064 Git issues Check that the proj folder is a well configured git folder. Also, check [GIT] expdef config.
7065 Wrong git configuration Invalid git url. Check [GIT] expdef config. If issue persists, check if proj folder is a well configured git folder.
7066 Presubmission feature issues New feature, this message shouldn’t be prompt. Please report it to Git.
7067 Historical Database not found Configure [historicdb] PATH = <file_path>.
7068 Monitor output can’t be loaded Try another output method// Check if the experiment is reachable
7069 Monitor output format invalid Try another output method

Default Solution

Check autosubmit log for detailed information, there will be additional error codes.

Minor errors - Error codes [6000+]

Code Details Solution
6001 Failed to retrieve log files Automatically, if there aren’t bigger issues
6002 Failed reconection Automatically, if there aren’t bigger issues
6003 Failed connection, wrong configuration Check your platform.conf file
6004 Input output issues Automatically, if there aren’t bigger issues
6005 Unable to execute the command Automatically, if there aren’t bigger issues
6006 Failed command Check err output for more info, command worked but some issue was detected
6007 Broken sFTP connection Automatically, if there aren’t bigger issues
6008 Inconsistent/unexpected ,job status Automatically, if there aren’t bigger issues
6009 Failed job checker Automatically, if there aren’t bigger issues
6010 Corrupted job_list using backup Automatically, if it fails, Perform mv <expid>/pkl/job_list_backup.pkl <expid>/pkl/job_list.pkl
6011 Incorrect mail notifier configuration Double check your mail configuration on job.conf (job status) and autosubmit.conf (email)
6012 Migrate , archive/unarchive I/O issues Check migrate how-to configuration
6013 Configuration issues Check log output for more info
6014 Git Can’t clone repository submodel Check submodule url, perform a refresh
6015 Submission failed Automatically, if there aren’t bigger issues