How to create an experiment

To create a new experiment, just run the command:

autosubmit expid -H HPCname -d Description

HPCname is the name of the main HPC platform for the experiment: it will be the default platform for the tasks. Description is a brief experiment description.


usage: autosubmit expid [-h] [-y COPY | -dm] [-p PATH] -H HPC -d DESCRIPTION

    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -y COPY, --copy COPY  makes a copy of the specified experiment
    -dm, --dummy          creates a new experiment with default values, usually for testing
    -H HPC, --HPC HPC     specifies the HPC to use for the experiment
    -d DESCRIPTION, --description DESCRIPTION
        sets a description for the experiment to store in the database.
    -c PATH, --config PATH
        if specified, copies config files from a folder


autosubmit expid --HPC ithaca --description "experiment is about..."

If there is an autosubmitrc or .autosubmitrc file in your home directory (cd ~), you can setup a default file from where the contents of platforms_expid.conf should be copied.

In this autosubmitrc or .autosubmitrc file, include the configuration setting custom_platforms:



Where the specified path should be complete, as something you would get when executing pwd, and also include the filename of your custom platforms content.

How to create a copy of an experiment

This option makes a copy of an existing experiment. It registrates a new unique identifier and copies all configuration files in the new experiment folder:

autosubmit expid -y COPY -H HPCname -d Description
autosubmit expid -y COPY -c PATH -H HPCname -d Description

HPCname is the name of the main HPC platform for the experiment: it will be the default platform for the tasks. COPY is the experiment identifier to copy from. Description is a brief experiment description. CONFIG is a folder that exists. Example:

autosubmit expid -y cxxx -H ithaca -d "experiment is about..."
autosubmit expid -y cxxx -p "/esarchive/autosubmit/genericFiles/conf" -H marenostrum4 -d "experiment is about..."


You can only copy experiments created with Autosubmit 3.0 or above.

If there is an autosubmitrc or .autosubmitrc file in your home directory (cd ~), you can setup a default file from where the contents of platforms_expid.conf should be copied.

In this autosubmitrc or .autosubmitrc file, include the configuration setting custom_platforms:



Where the specified path should be complete, as something you would get when executing pwd, and also include the filename of your custom platforms content.

How to create a dummy experiment

This command creates a new experiment with default values, useful for testing:

autosubmit expid -H HPCname -dm -d Description

HPCname is the name of the main HPC platform for the experiment: it will be the default platform for the tasks. Description is a brief experiment description.


autosubmit expid -H ithaca -dm "experiment is about..."

How to configure the experiment

Edit expdef_cxxx.conf, jobs_cxxx.conf and platforms_cxxx.conf in the conf folder of the experiment.

expdef_cxxx.conf contains:
  • Start dates, members and chunks (number and length).
  • Experiment project source: origin (version control system or path)
  • Project configuration file path.
jobs_cxxx.conf contains the workflow to be run:
  • Scripts to execute.
  • Dependencies between tasks.
  • Task requirements (processors, wallclock time…).
  • Platform to use.
platforms_cxxx.conf contains:
  • HPC, fat-nodes and supporting computers configuration.


platforms_cxxx.conf is usually provided by technicians, users will only have to change login and accounting options for HPCs.

You may want to configure Autosubmit parameters for the experiment. Just edit autosubmit_cxxx.conf.

autosubmit_cxxx.conf contains:
  • Maximum number of jobs to be running at the same time at the HPC.
  • Time (seconds) between connections to the HPC queue scheduler to poll already submitted jobs status.
  • Number of retrials if a job fails.

Then, Autosubmit create command uses the expdef_cxxx.conf and generates the experiment: After editing the files you can proceed to the experiment workflow creation. Experiment workflow, which contains all the jobs and its dependencies, will be saved as a pkl file:

autosubmit create EXPID

EXPID is the experiment identifier.


usage: autosubmit create [-group_by {date,member,chunk,split} -expand -expand_status] [-h] [-np] [-cw] expid

  expid          experiment identifier

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -np, --noplot  omit plot creation
  --hide,        hide the plot
  -group_by {date,member,chunk,split,automatic}
                        criteria to use for grouping jobs
  -expand,              list of dates/members/chunks to expand
  -expand_status,       status(es) to expand
  -nt                   --notransitive
                            prevents doing the transitive reduction when plotting the workflow
  -cw                   --check_wrapper
                            Generate the wrapper in the current workflow
  -d                    --detail
                            Shows Job List view in terminal


autosubmit create cxxx

In order to understand more the grouping options, which are used for visualization purposes, please check Grouping jobs.

More info on pickle can be found at