How to create a test case experimentΒΆ

This method is to create a test case experiment. It creates a new experiment for a test case with a given number of chunks, start date, member and HPC.

To create a test case experiment, use the command:

autosubmit testcase


usage: autosubmit testcase [-h] [-y COPY] -d DESCRIPTION [-c CHUNKS]
                           [-m MEMBER] [-s STARDATE] [-H HPC] [-b BRANCH]

    expid                 experiment identifier

     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     -c CHUNKS, --chunks CHUNKS
                           chunks to run
     -m MEMBER, --member MEMBER
                           member to run
     -s STARDATE, --stardate STARDATE
                           stardate to run
     -H HPC, --HPC HPC     HPC to run experiment on it
     -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
                           branch from git to run (or revision from subversion)


autosubmit testcase -d "TEST CASE cca-intel auto-ecearth3 layer 0: T511L91-ORCA025L75-LIM3 (cold restart) (a092-a09n)" -H cca-intel -b 3.2.0b_develop -y a09n