
In order to understand the goal of this feature, please take a look at: https://earth.bsc.es/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=library:seminars:techniques_to_improve_the_throughput.pptx

At the moment there are 4 types of wrappers that can be used depending on the experiment’s workflow:

  • Vertical
  • Vertical mixed
  • Horizontal
  • Hybrid (horizontal-vertical and vertical-horizontal approaches)

When using the wrapper, it is useful to be able to visualize which packages are being created. So, when executing autosubmit monitor cxxx, a dashed box indicates the jobs that are wrapped together in the same job package.

How to configure

In autosubmit_cxxx.conf, regardless of the wrapper type, you need to make sure that the values of the variables MAXWAITINGJOBS and TOTALJOBS are increased according to the number of jobs expected to be waiting/running at the same time in your experiment.

For example:

EXPID = ....


and below the [config] block, add the wrapper directive, indicating the wrapper type:


You can also specify which job types should be wrapped. This can be done using the JOBS_IN_WRAPPER parameter. It is only required for the vertical-mixed type (in which the specified job types will be wrapped together), so if nothing is specified, all jobs will be wrapped. By default, jobs of the same type will be wrapped together, as long as the constraints are satisfied.

Number of jobs in a package

POLICY = flexible #default is flexible. Values: flexible,strict,mixed
  • MAX_WRAPPED can be defined in jobs_cxxx.conf in order to limit the number of jobs wrapped for the corresponding job section
    • If not defined, it considers the MAX_WRAPPED defined under [wrapper] in autosubmit_cxxx.conf
      • If MAX_WRAPPED is not defined, then TOTALJOBS is used by default
  • MIN_WRAPPED can be defined in autosubmit_cxxx.conf in order to limit the minimum number of jobs that a wrapper can contain
    • If not defined, it considers that MIN_WRAPPED is 2.
    • If POLICY is flexible and it is not possible to wrap MIN_WRAPPED or more tasks, these tasks will be submitted as individual jobs, as long as the condition is not satisfied.
    • If POLICY is mixed and there are failed jobs inside a wrapper, these jobs will be submitted as individual jobs.
    • If POLICY is strict and it is not possible to wrap MIN_WRAPPED or more tasks, these tasks will not be submitted until there are enough tasks to build a package.
    • strict and mixed policies can cause deadlocks.

Wrapper check time

It is possible to override the SAFETYSLEEPTIME for the wrapper, by using CHECK_TIME_WRAPPER and defining a time interval (in seconds) in which the wrapper internal jobs should be checked.


Note that the numbers shown in this documentation are examples. The actual values must be set according to the specific workflow, as well as the platform configurations.

Vertical wrapper

The vertical wrapper is more appropriate when there are many sequential jobs. To use it, set TYPE = vertical:

TYPE = vertical

In order to be able to use the vertical wrapper, in platforms_cxxx.conf set the maximum wallclock allowed by the platform in use:


Remember to add to each job the corresponding WALLCLOCK time.

Vertical-mixed wrapper

This is a version of the vertical wrapper that allows jobs of different types to be wrapped together. Note that the solution considers the order of the sections defined in the jobs_cxxx.conf file, so the order of the sections given in JOBS_IN_WRAPPER is irrelevant. Additionally, jobs are grouped within the corresponding date, member and chunk hierarchy.

TYPE = vertical-mixed
vertical-mixed wrapper

Horizontal wrapper

The horizontal wrapper is more appropriate when there are multiple ensemble members that can be run in parallel.

If the wrapped jobs have an mpirun call, they will need machine files to specify in which nodes each job will run. Different cases may need specific approaches when creating the machine files. For auto-ecearth use COMPONENTS instead of STANDARD.

Horizontal wrapper

TYPE = horizontal

In order to be able to use the horizontal wrapper, in platforms_cxxx.conf set the maximum number of processors allowed by the platform in use:

horizontally wrapped jobs

Shared-memory Experiments

There is also the possibility of setting the option METHOD to SRUN in the wrapper directive (ONLY for vertical and vertical-horizontal wrappers).

This allows to form a wrapper with shared-memory paradigm instead of rely in machinefiles to work in parallel.

TYPE = vertical
METHOD = srun # default ASTHREAD

Hybrid wrapper

The hybrid wrapper is a wrapper that works both vertically and horizontally at the same time, meaning that members and chunks can be wrapped in one single job. Mixed approach using a combination of horizontal and vertical wrappers and the list of jobs is a list of lists.


  • There is a dependency between lists. Each list runs after the previous one finishes; the jobs within the list run in parallel at the same time
  • It is particularly suitable if there are jobs of different types in the list with different wall clocks, but dependencies between jobs of different lists; it waits for all the jobs in the list to finish before starting the next list
TYPE = horizontal-vertical
hybrid wrapper


  • In this approach, each list is independent of each other and run in parallel; jobs within the list run one after the other
  • It is particularly suitable for running many sequential ensembles
TYPE = vertical-horizontal
hybrid wrapper


In autosubmit_cxxx.conf:

# Basic Configuration of wrapper
#TYPE = {vertical,vertical-mixed,horizontal,horizontal-vertical,vertical-horizontal} # REQUIRED
# JOBS_IN_WRAPPER = Sections that should be wrapped together ex SIM
# MIN_WRAPPED set the minim  number of jobs that should be included in the wrapper. DEFAULT = 2
# MAX_WRAPPED set the maxim  number of jobs that should be included in the wrapper. DEFAULT = TOTALJOBS

JOBS_IN_WRAPPER = SIM # Job types (as defined in jobs_cxxx.conf) separated by space. REQUIRED only if vertical-mixed
MAX_WRAPPED = 9999 # OPTIONAL. Integer value, overrides TOTALJOBS
POLICY = flexible # OPTIONAL, Wrapper policy, mixed, flexible, strict
QUEUE = bsc_es # If not specified, queue will be the same of the first SECTION specified on JOBS_IN_WRAPPER
#EXPORT = Allows to run an env script or load some modules before running this wrapper. # If not specified, export value will be the same of the first SECTION specified on JOBS_IN_WRAPPER

In platforms_cxxx.conf:
