How to restart the experiment

This procedure allows you to restart an experiment. Autosubmit looks for the COMPLETED file for jobs that are considered active (SUBMITTED, QUEUING, RUNNING), UNKNOWN or READY

You must execute:

autosubmit recovery EXPID

EXPID is the experiment identifier.


usage: autosubmit recovery [-h] [-np] [--all] [-s] [-group_by {date,member,chunk,split} -expand -expand_status] expid

    expid       experiment identifier

    -h, --help  show this help message and exit
    -np, --noplot  omit plot
    --all        Get all completed files to synchronize pkl
    -s, --save  Save changes to disk
    -group_by {date,member,chunk,split,automatic}
                        criteria to use for grouping jobs
    -expand,              list of dates/members/chunks to expand
    -expand_status,       status(es) to expand
    -nt                   --notransitive
                                    prevents doing the transitive reduction when plotting the workflow
    -nl                   --no_recover_logs
                                    prevents the recovering of log files from remote platforms
    -d                    --detail
                            Shows Job List view in terminal


autosubmit recovery cxxx -s

In order to understand more the grouping options, which are used for visualization purposes, please check Grouping jobs.


When we are satisfied with the results we can use the parameter -s, which will save the change to the pkl file and rename the update file.

The –all flag is used to synchronize all jobs of our experiment locally with the information available on the remote platform (i.e.: download the COMPLETED files we may not have). In case new files are found, the pkl will be updated.


autosubmit recovery cxxx --all -s