How to monitor the experimentΒΆ

To monitor the status of the experiment, use the command:

autosubmit monitor EXPID

EXPID is the experiment identifier.


usage: autosubmit monitor [-h] [-o {pdf,png,ps,svg}] [-group_by {date,member,chunk,split} -expand -expand_status] [-fl] [-fc] [-fs] [-ft] [-cw] expid

  expid                 experiment identifier

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o {pdf,png,ps,svg}, --output {pdf,png,ps,svg}
                        type of output for generated plot
  -group_by {date,member,chunk,split,automatic}
                        criteria to use for grouping jobs
  -expand,              list of dates/members/chunks to expand
  -expand_status,       status(es) to expand
  -fl FILTER_LIST, --list
                        list of job names to be filtered
  -fc FILTER_CHUNK, --filter_chunk
                        list of chunks to be filtered
  -fs FILTER_STATUS, --filter_status
                        status to be filtered
  -ft FILTER_TYPE, --filter_type
                        type to be filtered
  --hide,               hide the plot
  -txt, --text
                        generates a tree view format that includes job name, children number, and status in /status/
  -txtlog, --txt_logfiles
                        generates a list of job names, status, .out path, and .err path as a file in /status/ (AS <3.12 behaviour)
  -nt                   --notransitive
                            prevents doing the transitive reduction when plotting the workflow
  -cw                   --check_wrapper
                            Generate the wrapper in the current workflow
  -d                    --detail
                            Shows Job List view in terminal


autosubmit monitor cxxx

The location where the user can find the generated plots with date and timestamp can be found below:


The location where the user can find the txt output containing the status of each job and the path to out and err log files.



Very large plots may be a problem for some pdf and image viewers. If you are having trouble with your usual monitoring tool, try using svg output and opening it with Google Chrome with the SVG Navigator extension installed.

In order to understand more the grouping options, please check Grouping jobs.