
How to install

The Autosubmit code is maintained in PyPi, the main source for python packages.

  • Pre-requisites: bash, python2, sqlite3, git-scm > 1.8.2, subversion, dialog, curl, python-tk(tkinter in centOS), python2-dev, graphviz >= 2.41, pip2


(SYSTEM) Graphviz version must be >= 2.38 except 2.40(not working). You can check the version using dot -v.

  • Python dependencies: argparse, python-dateutil, pyparsing, numpy, pydotplus, matplotlib, paramiko, python2-pythondialog, portalocker, requests, typing, six >= 1.10


dot -v command should contain “dot”,pdf,png,svg,xlib in device section.


The host machine has to be able to access HPC’s/Clusters via password-less ssh. Make sure that the ssh key is in PEM format ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “” -m PEM.

To install autosubmit just execute:

pip install autosubmit

or download, unpack and:

python install


To check if autosubmit has been installed run autosubmit -v. This command will print autosubmit’s current version


To read autosubmit’s readme file, run autosubmit readme


To see the changelog, use autosubmit changelog

How to configure

After installation, you have to configure database and path for Autosubmit. In order to use the default settings, just create a directory called autosubmit in your home directory before running the configure command. The experiments will be created in this folder, and the database named autosubmit.db in your home directory.

autosubmit configure

For advanced options you can add --advanced to the configure command. It will allow you to choose different directories (they must exist) for the experiments and database, as well as configure SMTP server and an email account in order to use the email notifications feature.

autosubmit configure --advanced


The dialog (GUI) library is optional. Otherwise the configuration parameters will be prompted (CLI). Use autosubmit configure -h to see all the allowed options.

For installing the database for Autosubmit on the configured folder, when no database is created on the given path, execute:

autosubmit install


Be careful ! autosubmit install will create a blank database.

Lastly, if autosubmit configure doesn’t work for you or you need to configure additional info create:

Create or modify /etc/autosubmitrc file or ~/.autosubmitrc with the information as follows:

path = path to autosubmit db
filename = autosubmit.db

path = path to experiment folders

jobs = path to any experiment  jobs conf # If not working on esarchive, you must create one from scratch check the how to.
platforms = path to any experiment  platform conf # If not working on esarchive, you must create one from scratch check the how to.

smtp_server =
mail_from =

path =  path to experiment folders

path =  path to global logs (for expid,delete and migrate commands)

path = <experiment_folder>/historic

url = url of Autosubmit API (The API is provided inside the BSC network)
# Autosubmit API provides extra information for some Autosubmit functions. It is not mandatory to have access to it to use Autosubmit.

authorized = [run bscearth000,bscesautosubmit01,bscesautosubmit02] [stats,clean,describe,check,report,dbfix,pklfix,updatedescript,updateversion all]
forbidden = [expìd,create,recovery,delete,inspect,monitor,recovery,migrate,configure,setstatus,testcase,test,refresh,archive,unarchive bscearth000,bscesautosubmit01,bscesautosubmit02]

Hosts: From 3.14+ onwards, autosubmit commands can be tailored to run on specific machines. Previously, only run was affected by the deprecated whitelist parameter.

  • authorized: [<command1,commandN> <machine1,machineN>] list of machines that can run given autosubmit commands.
  • forbidden: [<command1,commandN> <machine1,machineN>] list of machines that cannot run given autosubmit commands.
  • If no commands are defined, all commands are authorized.
  • If no machines are defined, all machines are authorized.

Now you are ready to use Autosubmit !


Sequence of instructions to install Autosubmit and its dependencies in Ubuntu.

# Update repositories
apt update

# Avoid interactive stuff
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

# Dependencies
apt install wget curl python2 python-tk python2-dev graphviz -y -q

# Additional dependencies related with pycrypto
apt install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev -y -q

# Download get pip script and launch it

# Install autosubmit using pip
pip2 install autosubmit

# Check that we can execute autosubmit commands
autosubmit -h

# Configure
autosubmit configure

# Install
autosubmit install

# Get expid
autosubmit expid -H TEST -d "Test exp."

# Create with -np
# Since it was a new install the expid will be a000
autosubmit create a000 -np

Sequence of instructions to install Autosubmit and its dependencies with conda.

# Download conda
# Launch it
chmod +x ./ ; ./
# Download git
apt install git -y -q
# Download autosubmit
git clone -b v3.14.0
cd autosubmit
# Create conda environment
conda env update -f environment.yml -n autosubmit python=2
# Activate env
source activate autosubmit
# Test autosubmit
autosubmit -v
# Configure autosubmitrc and install database as indicated in this doc