Monitor and Check Experiments#

How to check the experiment configuration#

To check the configuration of the experiment, use the command:

autosubmit check EXPID

EXPID is the experiment identifier.

It checks experiment configuration and warns about any detected error or inconsistency. It is used to check if the script is well-formed. If any template has an inconsistency it will replace them for an empty value on the cmd generated. Options:

usage: autosubmit check [-h -nt] expid

  expid                 experiment identifier
  -nt                   --notransitive
                            prevents doing the transitive reduction when plotting the workflow
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


autosubmit check cxxx

How to use check in running time:#

In jobs_cxxx.yml , you can set check(default true) to check the scripts during autosubmit run cxx.

There are two parameters related to check:

  • CHECK: Controls the mechanism that allows replacing an unused variable with an empty string ( %_% substitution). It is TRUE by default.

  • SHOW_CHECK_WARNINGS: For debugging purposes. It will print a lot of information regarding variables and substitution if it is set to TRUE.

CHECK: TRUE # Static templates (existing on `autosubmit create`). Used to substitute empty variables

CHECK: ON_SUBMISSION # Dynamic templates (generated on running time). Used to substitute empty variables.

CHECK: FALSE # Used to disable this substitution.
SHOW_CHECK_WARNINGS: TRUE # Shows a LOT of information. Disabled by default.

For example:

    FILE: filepath_that_exists
    WALLCLOCK: 05:00
    FILE: filepath_that_no_exists_until_setup_is_processed
    PLATFORM: bsc_es
    RUNNING: chunk
    WALLCLOCK: 05:00

How to generate cmd files#

To generate the cmd files of the current non-active jobs experiment, it is possible to use the command:

autosubmit inspect EXPID

EXPID is the experiment identifier.



usage: autosubmit inspect [-h]  [-fl] [-fc] [-fs] [-ft]  [-cw] expid

  expid                 experiment identifier

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -fl FILTER_LIST, --list
                        List of job names to be generated
  -fc FILTER_CHUNK, --filter_chunk
                        List of chunks to be generated
  -fs FILTER_STATUS, --filter_status
                        List of status to be generated
  -ft FILTER_TYPE, --filter_type
                        List of types to be generated

  -cw                   --checkwrapper
                            Generate the wrapper cmd with the current filtered jobs

  -f                    --force
                            Generate all cmd files


with autosubmit.lock present or not:

autosubmit inspect expid

with autosubmit.lock present or not:

autosubmit inspect expid -f

without autosubmit.lock:

autosubmit inspect expid -fl [-fc,-fs or ft]

To generate cmd for wrappers:

autosubmit inspect expid -cw -f

With autosubmit.lock and no (-f) force, it will only generate all files that are not submitted.

Without autosubmit.lock, it will generate all unless filtered by -fl,fc,fs or ft.

To generate cmd only for a single job of the section :

autosubmit inspect expid -q

How to monitor an experiment#

To monitor the status of the experiment, use the command:

autosubmit monitor EXPID

EXPID is the experiment identifier.


usage: autosubmit monitor [-h] [-o {pdf,png,ps,svg,txt}] [-group_by {date,member,chunk,split} -expand -expand_status] [-fl] [-fc] [-fs] [-ft] [-cw] expid [-txt] [-txtlog]

  expid                 Experiment identifier.

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -o {pdf,png,ps,svg}, --output {pdf,png,ps,svg,txt}
                        Type of output for generated plot (or text file).
  -group_by {date,member,chunk,split,automatic}
                        Criteria to use for grouping jobs.
  -expand,              List of dates/members/chunks to expand.
  -expand_status,       Status(es) to expand.
  -fl FILTER_LIST, --list
                        List of job names to be filtered.
  -fc FILTER_CHUNK, --filter_chunk
                        List of chunks to be filtered.
  -fs FILTER_STATUS, --filter_status
                        Status to be filtered.
  -ft FILTER_TYPE, --filter_type
                        Type to be filtered.
  --hide,               Hide the plot.
  -txt, --text
                        Generates a tree view format that includes job name, children number, and status in a file in the /status/ folder. If possible, shows the results in the terminal.
  -txtlog, --txt_logfiles
                        Generates a list of job names, status, .out path, and .err path as a file in /status/ (AS <3.12 behaviour).
  -nt                   --notransitive
                            Prevents doing the transitive reduction when plotting the workflow.
  -cw                   --check_wrapper
                            Generate the wrapper in the current workflow.


autosubmit monitor cxxx

The location where the user can find the generated plots with date and timestamp can be found below:


The location where the user can find the txt output containing the status of each job and the path to out and err log files.



Very large plots may be a problem for some pdf and image viewers. If you are having trouble with your usual monitoring tool, try using svg output and opening it with Google Chrome with the SVG Navigator extension installed.

In order to understand more the grouping options, please check Grouping jobs.

Grouping jobs#

Other than the filters, another option for large workflows is to group jobs. This option is available with the group_by keyword, which can receive the values {date,member,chunk,split,automatic}.

For the first 4 options, the grouping criteria is explicitly defined {date,member,chunk,split}. In addition to that, it is possible to expand some dates/members/chunks that would be grouped either/both by status or/and by specifying the date/member/chunk not to group. The syntax used in this option is almost the same as for the filters, in the format of [ date1 [ member1 [ chunk1 chunk2 ] member2 [ chunk3 ... ] ... ] date2 [ member3 [ chunk1 ] ] ... ]


The grouping option is also in autosubmit monitor, create, setstatus and recovery


Consider the following workflow:

simple workflow

Group by date

group date
-group_by=date -expand="[ 20000101 ]"
group date expand
-group_by=date -expand_status="FAILED RUNNING"
group date expand status
-group_by=date -expand="[ 20000101 ]" -expand_status="FAILED RUNNING"
group date expand status

Group by member

group member
-group_by=member -expand="[ 20000101 [ fc0 fc1 ] 20000202 [ fc0 ] ]"
group member expand
-group_by=member -expand_status="FAILED QUEUING"
group member expand
-group_by=member -expand="[ 20000101 [ fc0 fc1 ] 20000202 [ fc0 ] ]" -expand_status="FAILED QUEUING"
group member expand

Group by chunk


TODO: Add group_chunk.png figure.

Synchronize jobs

If there are jobs synchronized between members or dates, then a connection between groups is shown:

group synchronize
-group_by=chunk -expand="[ 20000101 [ fc0 [1 2] ] 20000202 [ fc1 [2] ] ]"
group chunk expand
-group_by=chunk -expand_status="FAILED RUNNING"
group chunk expand
-group_by=chunk -expand="[ 20000101 [ fc0 [1] ] 20000202 [ fc1 [1 2] ] ]" -expand_status="FAILED RUNNING"
group chunk expand

Group by split

If there are chunk jobs that are split, the splits can also be grouped.

split workflow
group split

Understanding the group status

If there are jobs with different status grouped together, the status of the group is determined as follows: If there is at least one job that failed, the status of the group will be FAILED. If there are no failures, but if there is at least one job running, the status will be RUNNING. The same idea applies following the hierarchy: SUBMITTED, QUEUING, READY, WAITING, SUSPENDED, UNKNOWN. If the group status is COMPLETED, it means that all jobs in the group were completed.

Automatic grouping

For the automatic grouping, the groups are created by collapsing the split->chunk->member->date that share the same status (following this hierarchy). The following workflow automatic created the groups 20000101_fc0, since all the jobs for this date and member were completed, 20000101_fc1_3, 20000202_fc0_2, 20000202_fc0_3 and 20000202_fc1, as all the jobs up to the respective group granularity share the same - waiting - status.

For example:

group automatic

Especially in the case of monitoring an experiment with a very large number of chunks, it might be useful to hide the groups created automatically. This allows to better visualize the chunks in which there are jobs with different status, which can be a good indication that there is something currently happening within such chunks (jobs ready, submitted, running, queueing or failed).

-group_by=automatic --hide_groups

How to profile Autosubmit while monitoring an experiment#

Autosubmit offers the possibility to profile the execution of the monitoring process. To enable the profiler, just add the --profile (or -p) flag to your autosubmit monitor command, as in the following example:

autosubmit monitor --profile EXPID


Remember that the purpose of this profiler is to measure the performance of Autosubmit, not the jobs it runs.

This profiler uses Python’s cProfile and psutil modules to generate a report with simple CPU and memory metrics which will be displayed in your console after the command finishes, as in the example below:

Screenshot of the header of the profiler's output

The profiler output is also saved in <EXPID>/tmp/profile. There you will find two files, the report in plain text format and a .prof binary which contains the CPU metrics. We highly recommend using SnakeViz to visualize this file, as follows:

The .prof file represented by the graphical library SnakeViz

For more detailed documentation about the profiler, please visit this page.

How to get details about the experiment#

To get details about the experiment, use the command:

autosubmit describe {EXPID} {-u USERNAME}

EXPID is the experiment identifier, can be a list of expid separated by comma or spaces -u USERNAME is the username of the user who submitted the experiment.

It displays information about the experiment. Currently it describes owner,description_date,model,branch and hpc


usage: autosubmit describe [-h ] expid

  expid                 experiment identifier
  -u USERNAME, --user USERNAME username of the user who submitted the experiment
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


.. code-block:: bash

autosubmit describe cxxx autosubmit describe “cxxx cyyy” autosubmit describe cxxx,cyyy autosubmit describe -u dbeltran

How to monitor job statistics#

The following command could be adopted to generate the plots for visualizing the jobs statistics of the experiment at any instance:

autosubmit stats EXPID

EXPID is the experiment identifier.


usage: autosubmit stats [-h] [-ft] [-fp] [-o {pdf,png,ps,svg}] expid

  expid                 experiment identifier

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ft FILTER_TYPE, --filter_type FILTER_TYPE
                        Select the job type to filter the list of jobs
  -fp FILTER_PERIOD, --filter_period FILTER_PERIOD
                        Select the period of time to filter the jobs
                        from current time to the past in number of hours back
  -o {pdf,png,ps,svg}, --output {pdf,png,ps,svg}
                        type of output for generated plot
  --hide,               hide the plot
  -nt                   --notransitive
                            prevents doing the transitive reduction when plotting the workflow


autosubmit stats cxxx

The location where user can find the generated plots with date and timestamp can be found below:


Console output description#


Period: 2021-04-25 06:43:00 ~ 2021-05-07 18:43:00
Submitted (#): 37
Run  (#): 37
Failed  (#): 3
Completed (#): 34
Queueing time (h): 1.61
Expected consumption real (h): 2.75
Expected consumption CPU time (h): 3.33
Consumption real (h): 0.05
Consumption CPU time (h): 0.06
Consumption (%): 1.75


  • Period: Requested time frame.

  • Submitted: Total number of attempts that reached the SUBMITTED status.

  • Run: Total number of attempts that reached the RUNNING status.

  • Failed: Total number of FAILED attempts of running a job.

  • Completed: Total number of attempts that reached the COMPLETED status.

  • Queueing time (h): Sum of the time spent queuing by attempts that reached the COMPLETED status, in hours.

  • Expected consumption real (h): Sum of wallclock values for all jobs, in hours.

  • Expected consumption CPU time (h): Sum of the products of wallclock value and number of requested processors for each job, in hours.

  • Consumption real (h): Sum of the time spent running by all attempts of jobs, in hours.

  • Consumption CPU time (h): Sum of the products of the time spent running and number of requested processors for each job, in hours.

  • Consumption (%): Percentage of Consumption CPU time relative to Expected consumption CPU time.

Diagram output description#

The main stats output is a bar diagram. On this diagram, each job presents these values:

  • Queued (h): Sum of time spent queuing for COMPLETED attempts, in hours.

  • Run (h): Sum of time spent running for COMPLETED attempts, in hours.

  • Failed jobs (#): Total number of FAILED attempts.

  • Fail Queued (h): Sum of time spent queuing for FAILED attempts, in hours.

  • Fail Run (h): Sum of time spent running for FAILED attempts, in hours.

  • Max wallclock (h): Maximum wallclock value for all jobs in the plot.

Notice that the left scale of the diagram measures the time in hours, and the right scale measures the number of attempts.

Custom statistics#

Although Autosubmit saves several statistics about your experiment, as the queueing time for each job, how many failures per job, etc. The user also might be interested in adding his particular statistics to the Autosubmit stats report (`autosubmit stats EXPID`). The allowed format for this feature is the same as the Autosubmit configuration files: INI style. For example:


The location where user can put this stats is in the file:



If it is not yet created, you can manually create the file: `expid_GENERAL_STATS` inside the `tmp` folder.

How to extract information about the experiment parameters#

This procedure allows you to extract the experiment variables that you want.

The command can be called with:

autosubmit report EXPID -t "absolute_file_path"

Alternatively it also can be called as follows:

autosubmit report expid -all

Or combined as follows:

autosubmit report expid -all -t "absolute_file_path"


usage: autosubmit report [-all] [-t] [-fp] [-p] expid

    expid                                Experiment identifier

    -t, --template <path_to_template>    Allows to select a set of parameters to be extracted

    -fp, --show_all_parameters           All parameters will be extracted to a different file

    -fp, --folder_path                   By default, all parameters will be put into experiment tmp folder

    -p, --placeholders                   disable the replacement by - if the variable doesn't exist

Autosubmit parameters are encapsulated by %_%, once you know how the parameter is called you can create a template similar to the one as follows:

3 Template format and example.#

This will be understood by Autosubmit and the result would be similar to:

- CHUNKS: 2 - 1 month
- VERSION: trunk
- PROCS: 96 / 336 / - / - / 1 / 45
- OUTCLASS: reduced /  -

Although it depends on the experiment.

If the parameter doesn’t exists, it will be returned as ‘-’ while if the parameter is declared but empty it will remain empty

4 List of all parameters example.#
 HPCQUEUE: bsc_es
 HPCARCH: marenostrum4
 LOCAL_TEMP_DIR: /home/dbeltran/experiments/ASlogs
 NORD3_QUEUE: bsc_es
 NORD3_ARCH: nord3
 MARENOSTRUM4_LOGDIR: /gpfs/scratch/bsc32/bsc32070/a01w/LOG_a01w
 SCRATCH_DIR: /gpfs/scratch
 HPCPROJ: bsc32
 NORD3_BUDG: bsc32